Songs From The Underworld

My name is the Irrelevantist, it may be a pseudonym, but now, what is the name with which you were born? , are not the name you were born with just to dictate as to what you should do?, “Connor eat your dinner”  “Demi go to bed ,and if you get out of your bed I will give you a slap” ; so the name I had before I have decided to refuse, because it gave an indication I could be trustworthy, assist, and help totally, until I done so much to the extremes, that my original name meant nothing; for my name was only required as the essence of its productivity, what it should do in the place putatively called “reality”; and so the Irrelevantist came to be, as if truth be told, that is what the so called reality of the world tried to do to myself, and that was to make irrelevant itself.

So in a world that wants to drain, then it is only right I should suck the blood, out of that which wanted to destroy me, and the Irrelevantist was borne out of the parochial and myopia that surrounds; so it is only correct and proper that I should destroy they with their very swords of hubris, because truth of reality, and its reason comes in many different forms, and not the consensus of the myriad who merely, and I the irrelevantist must reduce the relevancy of that which regards itself as austere , and how it pre-conceptualises others not as they; and in a world where business as society has always been the norm, my new career is to destroy, because they will destroy all in time, and it is only right and proper, for they who wish to become icons, that it is only I am who am divine, and the irrelevantist knows his own time, and theirs is no more.

When I was involved in British organised crime, and the decades that passed whist I was in crime, I noticed a paradoxical conscious shift or schism you could say, no longer was it a question of honour amongst thieves, but what was actual dishonour itself? and with the death of the top man, it appears as I have said to others, that the rats have returned to the ship; after the death of the top man, it seems the common consensus for many whether legal or illegal it matters not which, is now,  only accepted, when the dictates of society, in general, replicate an attitude for the sake of attitude; unlike the society I knew before, as the new attitude looked total and utter articulation, it has no ethos, no philosophy, fundamentally no thinking, it was the retort of the asinine, and I say again, whether legal or illegal, it matters not which, as now, they merely conform to what Is accepted; today it does not matter what you say, only way you appear, in a manner as that society deems you should be; from which if you accept your designation society deems, then it is done so for what I can afford; and as hobbies spoke of self interest in the best interest, if this manner is accepted, then, the inception of the conception that is society, I believe, will no longer be required for concurrence itself; and society in its productive base, that assumes, as a pseudo conscious motion, as Is currently happening, will not create people as automats any move, but something just as invidious, as replicates; and if this continues individuality will no longer be, and with that and honourable notion or intention will decline into obscurity, and, mean nothing; ultimately is not this “attitude”, to conceal the fact that of the sake of conformity, itself?;and they who accept their character by the dictates society declines, means compromise and containment, all for the sake of betterment of a materialistic nature, and yet conforms as to what category society deems as so , which forever contains the deformity within ; from which the “character” as external, knows deep down the true caricature within , and that is witty I am the irrelevatist , because no more can I look at the nothing of that which is their eyes